Sunday, August 7, 2016

しろさとまちなか映画館  Shirosato Machinaka Cinema







I am currently participating in "community building" in a small town in Ibaraki, Japan.
I have planned and created this short movie, portraying the scenery, people, and the  5 girls that have moved into this town from city area.

this video was screened as an opening movie at the "Shirosato Machinaka Cinema", which is organized by this 5 girls that now work to promote this town's revitalization from the new comers' point of view.
I am captivated by the beauty of the nature and the history of the area , and the cozy feeling and the connections of small town people, even though the town also faces the depopulation and decline of traditional culture.

this theater project is set to make town residents have some opportunity to enjoy viewing movies, because there is no movie theater in this town now.
it was the first time to have this event and an Animation movie which can be enjoyed by little kids and the family were screened as main movie on this day.

 there were many families come and enjoyed watching movies, talking to other people, enjoying a summer day.

I hope this event will go on to give people have good time and develop into something more than just watching movies.
this event will be held throughout this year, and my short video will be screened in August, too.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Amber Eyes x Mayumi Suzuki

ニュージーランド出身、東京在住のグラフィックデザイナーで友人の、Carly Hitchcockが作るハンドメイドアクセサリー、”Amber Eyes"のための写真を3月に東京で撮影しました。
Amber Eyes のblogや Instagramなどにその写真が掲載されています。

また、4月30日に東京ビッグサイトで開催されたミンネのハンドメイドマーケットにAmber Eyesも出展し、そこで今回撮影した写真のポストカードも販売してくれました。

 Amber Eyesはカーリーが自然に触発されて作った、羽や天然石などをモチーフにしたアクセサリーシリーズで、私も自然が好きなので彼女の感性に共感できて、今回の撮影はとても楽しく進みました!カーリーは東京生活についてのブログも書いています。外国人からみた東京の日々が、面白いです。

 In March, I shot the image photos for the handmade accessories "Amber Eyes", created by Carly Hitchcock, a Graphic designer and my friend from New Zealand, living in Tokyo. 
The photos are on Amber Eyes' blog, online shop, and Instagram...

Amber Eyes participated in a ”Minne Handmade Market ”at Tokyo Big Sight on April 30th.
As well as Her accessories, she put the postcards of the Image photos we did at the market.
I was at the event too, and some people bought the postcards in my presence, I was very happy.

Amber Eyes is an accessory line inspired by Nature and her love of exploration, that is surely connected with what I am trying to do with my photography. So the photoshooting went really fun.

Carly also writes a interesting blog about her life in Tokyo. 

on Amber Eyes Blog ブログ:

Amber Eyes Instagram インスタグラム:

撮影した写真のポストカードがAmber EyesのショップサイトEtsyで販売されています。

The Postcards of the  photos are available for purchase at Amber Eyes Shop Website.
She also draw some Flowers. they are beautiful.