Wednesday, October 17, 2012

New music video shooting for Robin's Egg Blue ミュージックビデオ撮影

先日、今NYから来日ツアー中の日本人バンドRobin's Egg Blueの新曲のミュージックビデオのため、ギターとボーカルの二人を撮影しました。都内某スタジオにて。このビデオはロビンの曲と私の映像のコラボ的な感じの作品になる予定です。映像は私の世界全開にやらせていただきました。今編集作業に入ってます。近日公開です。

I just finished shooting a music video at a studio in Tokyo for the Japanese band Robin's Egg Blue, who are live touring Japan. They are currently based in NY so this is like their homecoming tour.  This video is more of like a collaboration of my video and their music, and I am doing all art-direction and storyboarding and everything on this video. So I am very happy to be able to fully express my artistic view with this song. this song is really good so I am also very pleased to work with them. I have started editing. Looking forward to showing this to the world soon.

robin's egg blue

Mayumi Suzuki