Saturday, October 23, 2021

インタビュー記事が掲載されました。I was interviewed by Nekobox.

Meet Mayumi Suzuki: Nature-Inspired Photographer

I was interviewed by Nekobox, A website introducing Japanese culture and goods to the world. Yay. The owner Carly is my good friend since we met in Tokyo.
You can read the article from the link above.

昨日からTOKYO ART BOOK FAIR始まりました!私はPOTATOステージの左側上のほうにいるので探してください✨ 

Tokyo Art Book Fair Started! 始まりました。10/22-31

TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR 始まりました!入口はこのリンク↓
TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR 2021 started yesterday! Online venue entrance is ↓
I have a booth at the top left of the POTATO stage, so look for me there! to stroll inside the stage is fun like TV game..😁. I had been busy working on the content just in time for the event, but today things have probably settled down. The event will be held until Sunday the 31st. It's online, so you can join anytime, anywhere! I also took a look at the booths of the other participants, though I only saw a few of them and already found many nice people and books that I want to get. fun♪
My goal is to visit all 250 booths during the event.
I hope you'll join us and come visit me!
I'm unable to know just who visited, so you can leave hello on the message board.
I'll be waiting for you! and check out my two new photo books, too.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Tokyo Art Book Fair 期間の独自イベントを開催します。TABF2021 Mayumi Suzuki Event  Event !


開催期間 〜10/31イベント終了まで


「思い出の国 彼女の靴」Land of memories and  Her shoes

あなたの思い出の国を見せてください。 Share your Land of memories.




今回私は思い出の国というタイトルで写真集をつくりましたが、TOKYO ART BOOK FAIRのオンライン会場出展に合わせて発売するので、オンラインで直接お会いしてお話できなくても、ブースに来てくれた方と写真を通して交流する方法としてこの企画をします!是非ご参加ください。写真、イラスト、動画、どのような形でもよいですのであなたの思い出の国をシェアしてください!


本気なものでも、スマホで作ったものでも、テーマに沿っていれば投稿させていただきます。受け取ったデータは、私の本のレーベルであるmizuiro booksのインスタグラムを期間中特設会場として投稿させていただきます。ご参加お待ちしています!どのような思い出が集まるか楽しみにしています。

今回同時発売の写真集、”自分の足で歩く女の子”がテーマの「She and Her Shoes」のテーマで投稿いただいても嬉しいです。一緒に掲載させていただきます。データはインスタグラムの投稿のみに使用させていただきます。



写真を インスタグラムの@mizuirobooksにDMまたは、instagramアカウントのない方は、E-mailでmsuzukiphoto@gmail.comまで以下の内容を送ってください。





応募期間 10/31 TOkYO ART BOOK FAIR終了まで

☆Event ☆ Until the end of TABF on October 31

"Land of memories and Her shoes"

Where is your Land of memories?

I made a photo book called "Land of memories". The moment a photograph is taken, it is transformed into the past, into a memory, and I think that looking at a photograph is also a way of tracing a memory, but memories and remembrances are not always about what has passed, and future memories, dreams, and thoughts in the mind can all be "memories. " I think.

In the Maeterlinck's The Blue Bird, Tyltyl and Mytyl go to the land of memories and meet their grandfather and grandmother who are gone. They say, "We can always meet if you just remember us. Because there is no time in the land of memories.

The land of memories may be a country you have traveled to someday, or it may be a country of your future dreams.

This time I made a photo book titled "Land of Memories," and I'm releasing it with the TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR, so even if I can't meet you in person ,I'm doing this project as a way to communicate with people who come to my booth through my photos! Please join and share your memories of the land of memories in any way you can, whether it's through photos, illustrations or videos.

It would be great if you could get my photobook and send me a photo of what you felt from it, and of course it's okay if you don't. I would like to see what people see as their "Land of memories"

I will post your work if it's a serious work or made with a smartphone, as long as it is in line with the theme. The data received will be posted on the Instagram account of my book label, mizuiro books, as a special venue during the TABFperiod. I'm looking forward to your participation and looking forward to seeing what kind of memories will be gathered.

I hope we can take this opportunity to create a small art community.

How to participate:

Send your data to @mizuirobooks on Instagram via DM or E-mail to if you don't have an instagram account.

1 Attach data of your work (photos, illustrations, videos, collages, etc.) in a size and resolution that can be shared online

2 Title, description, and comments on your work

3 Name of the contributor (nicknames are acceptable)

After confirmation, we will share the photo and comment on the event page on Instagram @mizuirobooks (Mizuiro Books).

Your data will be used on the instagram post only.

Application period: 10/31 until the end of TOKYO ART BOOK FAIR

Thank you.


Sunday, October 3, 2021

ミュージックビデオ people dance in star が公開されました。 New Music video I directed is out now! "people dance in star"☆

制作した、Tadataka Sudoさんのminnakikeruから配信中のソロアルバムからの曲「people dance in star」のミュージックビデオが公開されました!youtubeから視聴できます!

